Fizz taste means that your juices are starting to ferment. You don’t want that. To get maximum benefits from pressed juices, you want to consume them within 72 hours; 3 days, some 4 days max. That’s why I mention frequently that you’d be in flirting stages by day 4 so you want to consume as soon as possible.
That is correct. Still the same amount of days as juices once they have been juiced. I made that mistake once with juicing all of my ginger and I wasted so much and said I’ll never do that again. Now I just throw pieces in with each juice and consume them accordingly :)
How do I pick the right pineapple? I'm on my way to the market.
Check for these 3 things: The spiky green top of a pineapple are called fronds, most people use this method to check for ripeness. Gently tug on one of the leaves. If it comes off easily or is loose, the pineapple is ripe. It usually does such when a couple dry leaves appears on top of pineapple.
Two: The exterior of the pineapple changes from a green-ish to yellow as it ripens, so as a general rule, the more yellow a pineapple’s exterior is, the riper the fruit will be. You want a pineapple that is consistently golden-yellow from top to bottom, but not getting into dark orange territory, that’s means it’s going bad. I mentioned on one of of calls that pineapples actually doesn't ripen much after it's been plucked prior to arriving at markets which means it will actually get old and moldy before it gets any riper. So don’t look for greenish color, look for more yellowish on the exterior.
Three: Even when pineapples are yellowish still try touching them to figure out if they’re ripe or not. A ripe pineapple will feel very slightly soft when you squeeze it (almost similar to how you pick avocados). A hard pineapple is NOT the one you want. Trust me, your tongue will have a raw and burning feeling all day from eating or drinking an unripe pineapple. 🙃
Does anyone ever feel like the lemon shots make them nauseous? Not sure if this is normal.
Oh yes!!! Totally normal. It’s very astringent and it’s pulling toxins from your body and it’s making you feel off. It’s doing what you’re supposed to do. If it’s too strong, cut back until you can tolerate it as you move along the detox process.
Are eggs good for you?? Or should we stay away from them right now?? I ate them for dinner!!!
🗣NO DAIRY!!! 😩
Especially during level two and level three. Only fresh and clean eating allowed
No, after the cleansing process if you choose to introduce meat and dairy back into your diet, you want to even limit that during your non detox days as well. That’s because the goal is for you to continue to cleanse in between your four quarterly fasting sessions within a year.
You will be able to see the transition more clearly once the program launch. And you will actually be inspired because you’re going to see how you will continue to see progress outside of straight Juicing
Do we have to remove the seeds from things like the lemons and oranges?
For the citrus fruits, all you need to do is peel or cut the outer layer. Meaning remove just the skin/peel. It’s okay if you leave some of the white/rind on the citrus fruit as well as the rinds on melons when juicing because it adds extra nutritional value. The only thing I recommend that you core to remove the seeds would be apples.
Does it matter if you use baby carrots or big carrots for the juice?
Some/most baby carrots are genetically modified. You definitely want carrots with the stems or the big long ones. Clean/peel them and then slice them up
Just curious…I don’t see bananas on the lists…is it good for anything when it comes to juicing?
The following items are wonderful to blend for a smoothie, but may clog up your juicer if used. I always recommend to eat these alone or after a fast.
Jackfruit or durian
You can juice mangos, pears, red apples and kiwis sparingly but juicing them in abundance may clog up your juicer as they are all mushy fruits.
I felt a little tired today because I didn't have food right away to keep me from passing out. I ate a teaspoon of peanut butter. Is that cheating?
No, it’s not necessarily cheating. Instead of peanut butter I would much rather you have sunflower, cashew or almond butter. One of many Reasons: peanut butter has sugar and hydrogenated (trans) fats which feeds toxicity load and fungus within the body. Something you definitely don’t want to consume while detoxing. But I get it, we all like regular peanut butter but the alternatives have better benefits when consumed in moderation outside of detoxing.
I don’t see a vegetable list (besides the green pillar) was there a list like the fruit list? I’m shopping this weekend and want to know if I need to avoid anything particular.
Here. are some ideas, but please remember don’t overdo it. You have to start juicing to see which combinations you would prefer. So you can never go wrong with vegetables like spinach, kale, celery, cucumber, asparagus, arugula, broccoli, brussels sprouts, bok choy, cilantro, parsley, dandelion greens, cabbage, carrot, Romaine lettuce, and fennel.
But remember to start off, keep it simple. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Stick with things like spinach kale celery cucumber broccoli. All are good but they don’t yield a lot of juice. However romaine lettuce does.
How many lemon shots should a level one drink per day?
You’d want to start with one lemon shot on level one of at least 4 ounces. If you can handle that you’re more than welcome to add another while on level one.
How many ounces should each juice be?
As far as how many ounces regarding your juice, you want to have at least 24 ounces but ideally 32 ounce as that will take place of your “Breakfast” on level one then "breakfast and lunch" while on level two.
That Ballerina tea is no joke. I'm noticing a lot of mucus. This is the week I will begin all juicing. As I up my lemon game, is it okay for me to continue diluting it with water? Will it have the same impact?
If you’re already eliminating mucus then what you’re doing is working. However I would try small shots of non-diluted shots just to see where it would take you and how you would respond. Example: start with 1 ounce, then move to 2 ounce, and so forth. In the meantime still have your diluted shots in between. The key is to progress to another level of cleansing while moving to all liquids. And it will certainly happen because you’re eliminating the digesting process of food consumption so that by itself is going to be different for you this week. Meaning another level of cleansing.
Are there more nutrients in skin of fruits and vegetables or the juice itself?
The juice has more of the vitamins and minerals the only thing we loose is the fiber. In addition there are nutrients within the flesh of the fruit as well as the skin and some rind(s).
How do you know how much to use of each fruit?
For you know how much of each fruit to use is based upon personal preference. I highly recommend juicing everything separately and then measuring out your ounces of each fruit if you would like to try a mixture or combination of fruit juices.
What kind of tea are you ladies drinking? Can we add honey?
3 Tea Ballerina and Smooth Move. If you absolutely have to add some honey, use Manuka honey.
What's your take on popcorn?
Popcorn is fine in moderation. Just make sure it’s not microwave. It’s coated with a lot of unhealthy oils. Make sure it’s from an organic source or air-popped.
Any juice combination that helps with gout?
Gout is due to acid buildup, uric acids specially. So suffers would want to lay off dairy and thing that are high protein for sure. Especially during a flare up.
These will be good for juices to help with gout: Pineapples, carrots, ginger, cucumber, cherries, beets, apples, pomegranate, cranberries.
Is the frozen fruit apart of the 20% (watch-out zone) or that’s only when you add toppings?
Frozen fruit is fine to have whether you are actively cleansing or not. That’s still fruit but just in a frozen form. That’s A-OK.
As far as toppings, you do not want to consume any processed toppings if you are actively cleansing. Just in between cleansing phases. You can still have toppings you just wanna make sure that they’re as clean as possible. Nuts would be a phenomenal choice. Grain is processed and some grains have gluten. So to keep things clean as possible you want to stay as close to a plant-based as possible i.e. fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, Even coconut are all wonderful choices. Adding fresh fruit on top, coconut, and a nut blend are great examples.
I messed up over the weekend. I need to start over. I didn’t do really bad but I messed up and then afterwards I got light headed and sick on the stomach. So where do I restart?
No worries, don’t be hard on yourself. The key is to re-center and refocus. You have 4 options to choose from.
Choose one and do for 24 to 72 hours:
1) do a mono fruit consumption. Focus on one fruit at a time.
2) have smoothies
3) fresh pressed juices and then the more intense reset would be
4) lemon cleansing. Consume nothing but undiluted lemon juice. If you can’t tolerate that, dilute it.
Pick one and stick to it for at least two days. You’ll be surprised how you’d reset.
Is cabbage okay? Thinking of making a curried dish with cabbage and vegetables.
YES YES AND YES!!! Cabbage is wonderful and is a great addition to multiple dishes!
Would salsa/chips be in the 20% junk percentile?
Salsa and chips could definitely be in your 20% junk Category. More so the chips. However, just make sure it’s gluten & grain free so your body can still cleanse even while consuming food outside of the cleansing phase. Gluten and grains feed mucus & acids.
When breaking our fast or juice feast, I know we do one type of fruit on day 11 & 12. Just wondering what days 13 & 14 are like?
You’d want to ease your way into a broth and/or soups according to how you handled consuming fruit on the previous days. If it was fine then a soup is good, if you experience a little discomfort try broth before a hearty soup.
Can we have mushrooms?
Mushrooms are Fine. But again, if you’re looking to go to deeper in cleansing, just limit them at times. But yes have at them!
Why am I just urinating and not having BM? With eating lots of fruit and vegetables and 64 ounce of water a day I’m taking in, what am I doing wrong?
What that tells me is that we really need to get those bowels moving. I need to start closing you out cellularly. Starting with the colon. Herbs work great in this process.Try taking a detox tea? Or in a supplement form to help cleanse your colon. Check out my 14 day cleanse. That'll definitely get some things moving along ;-)
Do you throw the mint into the juicer? I put cucumber and mint in water.
I do both. You would have to try and see how prominent you like the mint. When you juice it, it’s a little stronger than when you throw it in your drink. At times, I will throw some mint in my drink. However I will throw my mint inside of the juicer with whatever I'm juicing if I want more of a minty taste in any of my juices.
I got some vegan cheese and butter last week I want to do a grilled cheese is that okay?
Alternatives/substitutes would be consider your 10 to 20% junk food. Although it may appear to better than dairy, it’s still considered processed so just be sure to limit that as well.
How often do you need to juice cleanse?
Deep cleansing is every 4 months. And that’s the deep deep cleanse. However there still cleansing that can take place with resetting yourselves in between. Like a 3-day cleanse, 1-day fasting. 3 to 5 day lemon cleanse, or even intermittent fasting with or without lemons and even dry fasting. Another choice is 5:3 ratio which is 5 days of level two and 3 days of level three. All of these options are within in the program as they are different levels of detoxification
What do you clean your fruits and vegetables with ?
Here’s the DIY version:
1 cup of cold water
2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Directions: Combine the water, white vinegar, and lemon juice in a spray bottle and spray or place mixture in a bowl and wash your produce. Spray on your produce or let it soak, and then rinse thoroughly.
There are also fruit and veggie cleaners that you can purchase if you choose to do so.
Today I’m feeling again a bit off. Nausea, lightheaded and fatigue. Not my normal. Let’s me know this is working. My body and cells are cleansing. Still watery eliminations and I can feel things moving. Did anyone else feel like this on level 3 day 3-4?
Yes. All of which is moving you in the right direction. However, you don’t have to be miserable. Cut back on your fruits herbs if you feel it’s overwhelming. Try having more green vegetable juices instead of fruit juices. That will slow things down for you a bit. You can also try taking charcoal to help absorb some of those toxins being released in your body. That will also help. Check the link in the initial protocol document to order some from Amazon.
What juice recipes do I start with?
The best way to start is juice everything alone. Pineapple by itself, melons by themselves, grapes by themselves, Then mix accordingly.…but with your greens make sure you add a watery base with them i.e. apples with spinach, or cucumber celery spinach and Apple. You just don’t want to juice greens by themselves. You want to follow greens with some type of astringent fruit to keep things properly flowing in your juicer. Remember, keep it simple!
I notice also when I took that lemon shot early in morning, I felt nauseous. Is that normal?? Afterward about 10 min back to normal?
If you’re new to lemon shots, the more you do them, the less you’ll feel nauseous. That’s a part of the detox process. The more nauseous you feel means you're releasing toxins within your body. Keep in mind the ounces that you’re consuming and how they make you feel so at any time you can adjust accordingly.
How do you put the kale in your juicer? Same as everything else?
Be sure to throw the kale in with a handful of apples or whatever else you are juicing with it. Don’t juice the greens by themselves.
What apples do you guys find taste the best in juices?
I personally like the green apples.
Also here's a fun fact: Red apples tend to get too mushy in the juicer because they are softer (if you guys haven’t already noticed). Green apples tend to be a little bit more firmer and yields a little bit more juice. But fyi, I still juice both :)
Can I give my daughter a lemon shot to help break up a cold/ mucous?
My children take lemons shot often! Nino just did last night because he was having some congestion going on plus I wanted to load him up before his tournament this weekend. However my children are much older than yours.,… so what I would do if I were you is juice one lemon and 2 to 3 apples. Preferably two green and one red. That’ll help with congestion and give her nutrients to help recovers. Be sure you leave some of that white part on the lemon when removing skin so she can receive some bioflavonoids in her drink,... she will love it!!!
This weekend I was experiencing belching with sulphur smell & taste (like rotten egg). I also had very loose & watery eliminations all weekend long. Mostly through the night and early mornings. Luckily our fields were near the restrooms. This was tricky with a 4 hour car ride. This lasted through Monday morning. I just drank water and had some oatmeal yesterday AM. Things have calmed down since. Have you ever experienced these symptoms while you body was adjusting? I had the sulphur belching when I was doing the last 10 days on the fast.
Yes Yes and YES!!! Quincy would tell me when I was sleeping he smelled metals coming from my nose and mouth. That is a wonderful sign. Can be uncomfortable and tricky at times especially with runny bowels. However, you can control those symptoms. While on the go you want to eat more vegetables and less fruits. You will slow down detox process but it won’t be as intense. You’ll still be on track and reap benefits, you’ll just be able to control your symptoms to get as comfortable as possible while on the go!. So example: instead of 75% juicing and 25% vegetables take your fruit and juice consumption down to 40% to 50% and then have just the same amount of vegetables as well. You don’t want to cut it down too much to halt your progress but you want to do it enough where you can contain symptoms. That’s what I do every time I’m on the go.
What do you take for energy? My energy level has dropped.
Try some pears, pineapple, carrots, ginger shot, orange and grapefruit. All of those are helpful for energy.
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